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http://www.staffordstreethotyoga.com/ |
Side Note: Before I continue blogging about yoga studios it is probably important to state that I could never say anything bad about a yoga studio. This is because each yoga studio reaches out to its community in its own unique way and in return ends up giving its community the exact support it needs. This may help explain what I mean...Every Bikram Certified Yoga Instructor goes to the same college, trains at the same teacher training and learns the same dialogue, yet each Bikram teacher offers something different to their students. Just like teachers every yoga studio offers something different to its students as each studio varies, from the colour of the walls to the energy it encompasses, creating a different ambiance depending on the studio owner's vision, dream, and focus. Because of this, each class, each teacher, and each studio provides something different to its yoga community with the common goal of supporting people in their yoga journey. Furthermore, as with everything in life there are always things we would do differently or prefer another way but being in an unfamiliar studio and accepting things as is provides us with the opportunity to grow by embracing our present environment without emotional attachment or without fighting to change it. To sum up this long side note, during my travels my hope is to visit and blog about as many yoga studios as possible positively embracing what each has to offer.
Back to SSHY...
Just like Bikram Yoga Ottawa (http://believe-dream-love-live.blogspot.ca/2012/03/bikram-yoga-ottawa.html) I had the pleasure of watching SSHY be built from the ground up and was one of the first few teachers who had the pleasure of teaching in the hot room. SSHY is my yoga home and always will be. The studio was built with a very specific vision of creating a centre for healing, as well as, maintaining the specific traditional criteria set by the college. The last time I regularly practiced on carpet was at SHHY two years ago and I forgot the enormous difference it makes on ones practice. There may be a unique smell but strangely it reminds me of home and really forces you to engage your thighs! Above is a fantastic video on the studio that I strongly encourage you to watch!
During my two week stay in Winnipeg I had the opportunity to teach five classes at SSHY and really get a feel for how the studio has matured. Many of the students are the same, some are new, but the energy is electrifying! The studio has really taken off and new teachers have brought a fresh voice and encouraging word to the students ears. In addition, for the first time Winnipeg will be hosting the Manitoba Regional Hatha Yoga Championship (http://www.canyoga.ca/competitions.php).
This means that yogis from across the province will be coming together to compete for a spot to represent Canada at the world championship. Although this is the first competition for Manitoba, Western and Eastern Canada have been involved for many years, so it is extremely exciting that Manitoba has finally come on board. The competition has created a spark in many students eyes and has really transformed the competitors practice.
Along with the competition fast approaching the studio has also created three new yoga challenges that encompass the principles of the yoga, as well as, healing with food and tremendous support from the studio staff. The challenges are to "be a daily routine kit with knows and whys, guidelines and diagnosis of your condition (macrobiotic), your dosha (ayurvedic) and so much more" - Stafford Street Hot Yoga. The three new challenges created are focused on 1) weight loss 2) balancing blood sugars and 3) reduce inflammation.
During this short time in Winnipeg I finally had the opportunity to take one of my best friends yoga class - Vicky Kontzamanis. I feel extremely grateful to have finally had the chance to take one of her classes and feel even more blessed to have such a phenomenal woman as a friend. If you ever go to Winnipeg, Manitoba I strongly suggest that you go take her class. It is such a heart warming experience to see someone you deeply care about be touched by the yoga in such a profound way that their entire life transforms. Whether she is on the podium or on the mat beside you the positive energy she radiates is incomparable. There are many great teachers at SSHY but Vicky is one of my best friends so of course I couldn't help the extra shout out!
With the utmost love and gratitude to Amanda Ing. Thank you for always leaving the door open for me and providing Winnipeg yogis with an outstanding facility and community to live the yoga.
Much Love,
See you soon Winnipeg
Leah xoxox

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