It is truly remarkable how the universe gives us exactly what we need, when we need it, regardless of whether or not we are aware of it.
As I boarded the plane to Kuala Lumpur (KL) my heart was heavy with as I left behind those whom I had grown so close to, yet, I forced myself to stay positive and reached out into the unknown for something new. I was given back exactly what my heart desired; fellow travellers to explore the beautiful country of Malaysia with. Regardless of how I met them they were the perfect people to share my time with.
KL is another big city with the usual attractions: night markets; museums; zoos; local food markets; caves; shopping centres; and the usual feel of an overcrowded city. What made KL remarkable was the connection given to me by my good friend back home Nathan Lo. He connected me with a local, Sam Dang, whom lived in Canada and actually went to the same university as me (what a small world!). On my second night in KL, myself and two lads I met, went out and met Sam. At first he ensured we saw the big sites of KL and then took us to a night food market. He ordered up an ray of different local food dishes. It was one of the best meals I have had since leaving home. We spent the entire night with Sam, as he graciously showed us around KL and ensured that we had the best possible time we could. The generosity he showed us was unlike anything I have witness from someone who knew me for only a few hours. From the bottom of my heart thank you Sam! I know you strongly prefer never to go back to Winnipeg but if you do please let me return the favour.

The following day I headed up the coast via plane to the Perhentian Islands with Clemens Riebenbauer. The two of us had met my first night in KL in our dorm room. We decided to escape the big city and booked a flight up the coast to hang out on an island for a week. This proved to be something I needed more than I had known.
The last two years of my life were complete madness with very few moments to stop a think or even sleep. I moved to Ottawa two years ago to complete my dietetic internship with my ex-boyfriend. We are expected to work full time (for free) while writing a thesis in the evenings. In addition, I taught and practiced Bikram Yoga everyday after the studio opened. After graduating I started working (virtually the next day) with the aspiration of becoming a good Dietitian. While working full time as a Registered Dietitian I continued to teach 3 - 8 classes a week and take as many as possible, plus attempting to maintain some level of a social life. Somewhere during all the madness my ex and I lost each other and I moved out.
As I sat down the beach looking out at the crystal clear water the reality of my past and present life came flooding in. My mind and soul was overwhelmed with thoughts, feelings, memories and emotions. If there was any moment that I needed a face from home it was during that week, however I knew the only was out was through. So I started to read again, something I hadn't done in two years, I wrote in my journal again and I listened. Thought by thought, memory by memory, chapter by chapter I processed everything my mind released. In many ways I believe my mind locked everything in a box and waited for me to slow down until it gave me back the key. If there is any place to come down it would be in the Perhentian Islands. Some nights I slept like a baby while others I woke screaming from nightmares that I can't remember. For six days I simply laid on the beach with a book, my journal and music. I met a German girl, Doro, laying on the beach one day and she soon became my companion and the perfect person to ride the waves with. There was often hours where I wouldn't speak as I escaped into my own mind but she was always right beside me when I came back down to earth. Although I rarely spoke of the journey going on within my own mind, the bits I did share she actually listened and provided the advice I most needed to hear. As we watched our last sunset I felt as though my past had finally been digested, my mind emptied and the nightmares gone.
KL Streets |
Large monkey God outside the caves in KL |
260 steps to the caves in the heat of the day in KL |
Before climbing up. |
At the entrance of the caves |
In KL outside the twin towers |
The twin towers! Super cool at night! Definitely a must see in KL. |
Dinner with Sam :) |
Clemens and Silvan having beers with Sam in KL |
View of the Island - Coral Beach |
View from our room :)We stayed at Senja Guesthouse. Awesome resort. |
Clemens and I on Coral Beach |
BBQ at night on the beach with local seafood |
Local Dude, Doro (Dorothy), Clemens, and myself having dinner on the beach |
Dorothy playing the guitar on the beach at night |
For Stacey :) |
Chilling out watching movies on the beach at night |
Sunsets |
That cave is the coolest thing. I would do those steps to see that in a heartbeat !