Saturday, 6 October 2012

Single hood

For many of my good friends October represents celebrating their first year of marriage or the birth of their first child. But for me October represents my one year anniversary of being a single woman. My first complete year of single hood! Of course there have been a few romances, here and there, but nothing substantial and nothing worth writing about it. For many this may not seem much of an achievement but for me this is a big one.

My entire life I have been constantly bouncing from one relationship to the next, usually without a breath in between. This has continued since I was approximately fourteen years of age. As much as I wish I had taken more time for myself, to be single in my early twenties, I also understand that everything happens for a reason so obviously that wasn't meant for me. Perhaps it was the loss of my mother in my teens that subconsciously forced me to seek companionship or perhaps I am just a serial monogamist. Either way it probably doesn't matter anymore because whats done is done.

This year of single hood, part of which as been travelling the world, has taught be many things;

1. I still believe in love.
2. Being in a relationship isn't always what its cracked out to be.
3. If its the right person, at the wrong time, its still the wrong person. Move on.
4. Choosing someone to share your life with is very precious decision. Make it wisely.
5. I have made many inaccurate choices with men in my past. It is absolutely no offence to them but we clearly just weren't right for each other. I know in their hearts of hearts they must believe that too otherwise we would still be together, right? But each of my ex-boyfriends taught me something very valuable that I'll never forget.
6. The more you travel, the more people you meet, the more selective you become.
7. There is no rush to get married especially if you are going to be together forever.
8. I don't want a huge white wedding, I wanna get married on the beach.
9. It is very important to love yourself enough that you are comfortable being alone. Your partner can't always be there for you. Sometimes you gotta be there for yourself.
10. Learn to be your own best friend. Your partner will love you more because you actually love yourself.
11. Romance is still alive!
12. Chivalry exists. It really does.
13. Being single can be very liberating if you know how to embrace the empty moments.
14. Being in a relationship doesn't mean your happy.
15. People who travel with partners back home usually cheat. Sorry guys (and girls) but 90% do. Its a harsh but true reality.
16. Don't travel for long periods of time with a significant other back home. It's not fair to either party.
17. Travel romances are the best.
18. COMMUNICATE! And I mean communicate everything!
19. If you can't trust someone then don't be with them. Relationships are build on all forms of trust.
20. The small things are so much more important than the big.
21. Have standards and stick to them.
22. Relationships take more compromise that I use to give.
23. Love like you have never been hurt.
24. Say what you mean, do what you say and never hold back. Tell your partner everyday that you love them and how much more insanely beautiful they make your life!
25. I am not afraid anymore of being single, I am terrified of settling.

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