Monday 1 April 2013

Happy Anniversary

April 1, 2013

Today marks my one year travel anniversary! Happy anniversary to me!

It has been 12 months since I started out on this amazing journey yet sometimes it feels like merely a few weeks. The last year of my life has gone by so fast but so much has happened.  I have travelled to 28 countries in 12 months only two of which were predominately English speaking countries. When I think back to the small town, Canadian girl who began this journey I feel as though she is a distant memory. This year of travelling has changed my soul, my perspective on life and my values system. I can proudly say I am not the same girl anymore.

In the last year I have seen so many fascinating wonders of the world and experienced some of the world's most beautiful hidden gems. The world we live in is such a beautiful place! It encompasses so many exquisite beauties many of which aren't published in travel guides. I've been blessed to have visited a few of these world wonders such as the Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China and the Pyramids of Giza. I've also bungee jumped from the world's highest bungee in China, learnt how to scuba dive in Thailand, rode in a hot air balloon in Turkey, taught yoga in India, went snowboarding in Sarajevo, met the worlds oldest monk in Vietnam, went to the theatre in London, met my Hungarian family in Hungary, drank Guinness in Ireland with my dad and went on a camel safari in India. On the flip side I have also had physically and mentally challenging experiences. For example, I was in Tel Aviv when Gaza started dropping rockets on the city for the first time in 21 years. I've been sick more than once with stomach bugs and once from food poisoning. In the last 12 months I've been tormented with too many 18 - 24 hour bus rides which often results in no sleep and extreme exhaustion. Finally, my camera was stolen at one point with 3-4 months of travel photos on it. Consequently when dealing with the challenges and hardships of travelling for such a long period of time I've had to stay focused on the positive and brush myself off after falling down. Every bit of hardship, vomit, diarrhea, frustration and loss of sleep has been completely worth it. It is impossible in life to cherish the good without the bad.

There are many great things about travelling. The food, the sites, the local culture and the history, but for me it's the people we meet while travelling that makes the experience so special. This year of travelling has blessed my life with some of the most phenomenal individuals I have ever met. From my great friends in India, to weekend travel companions, each person I have met has made a mark on my heart and influenced my life. In some ways I would like to mention everyone but our connection, our experiences together and our shared memories are the most precious travel gifts I have. Every person that has crossed my path in the last year has enhanced my life and taught me something. I truly believe that it is the people you meet when travelling a country that make you experience their positive or negative. Thus, my heart is overflowing with love as a I write this for all those whom I've met. They made this year the best year of my life! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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