Thursday 16 May 2013


Usually when blogging I tend to write a post on a country just after departing. This gives me the chance to really spend my time exploring the country's culture, tasting the food & getting to know the people. The short delay in writing also helps provide a clear perspective on the country and how it influenced me while travelling within its borders. However after leaving Barcelona my boyfriend and I immediately began our next adventure, walking the Camino de Santiago, which has left me little time to write. So here I am almost six weeks later attempting to remember our time in Barcelona and how I felt while travelling there. 

On March 19, 2013 my father, Liam and myself boarded a plane in Dublin, Ireland heading for Barcelona, Spain. We had throughly enjoyed Ireland but were in desperate need for some sunshine and tapas. The three of us rented a cute little home in a quiet district of Barcelona where we would spend two weeks relaxing. The cozy house had a balcony overlooking the main community square and a cramped but well equipped kitchen for some home made Ken Sommerfield speciality meals. We settled in qucikly to our temporary home and began exploring the nearby neighbourhood. 

Barcelona is a fabulous city for tourists as it offers many exotic and beautiful sites. We explored almost every area Barcelona had to offer and left wanting more. Below are many pictures of the various areas of Barcelona we ventured to. In addition, Liam even took a day going to Camp Neu the Barcelona football stadium which holds 100,000 fans. 

We filled our days seeing the sight of Barcelona but our evening hours were spent relaxing, eating my dad's delicious home cooked meals, watching life in the community square and playing cards over a bottle of Spanish red. Although Barcelona was a fabulous sightseeing city what sticks out most in my mind is the hours spent simply being with my dad and Liam. The opportunity to spend two weeks simply relaxing and enjoying the simple pleasures of life with the two men I love most made Barcelona unforgettable. I probably will have very few chances in life to spend so much one-on-one time with my dad with all the stresses of life removed. Although the city is breathingly beautiful what sticks out most in my mind now is the memories created and the time spent with my dad and Liam. 

My Daddyo and I in Barcelona, Spain.
Standing outside National Art Museum
A few of Barcelona from the National Art Museum 
I love you. 
La Seu Cathedral in Barcelona's Gotic District 
Wandering the streets of Barcelona and exploring the sites.
The beautiful little alleyways of Barcelona 

My dad and Liam marveling at the wonder of Sagrada Familia Cathedral.
Designed by Antoni Gaudi in 1852-1926.
A view of Sagrada Familia from the back.
It is always under construction. 
My dad in Park Guell 
This picture & the following four are shots from Park Guell.
The park was also designed by Antoni Gaudi from 1900 - 1914

(not the most flattering photo)
Liam and I with my dad at Quimit & Quimit enjoying some tapas.
Some of our tapas at Qumit & Quimit 
Beach Day!
Liam and I are Barceloneta Beach.
My daddyo enjoying a beach on the beach in Spain :) 
My Dad and I on the beach in Barceloneta.
Thanks so much for coming to visit us Dad.
We had a great month with you in Ireland & Spain.

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