Friday 7 December 2012

This is No Ordinary Love

It's getting cold.
As we walk into a cafe I can feel my cheeks starting to warm to heat. The smell of coffee and fresh biscuits fills my nostrils and my fingers tighten their grip around yours. We order ourselves warm beverages to bring the heat back into our bones and find ourselves a cosy bench to curl up on. As my toes and ears start to regain their feeling I cup my cappuccino between my cold fingers and stare into your eyes. Our legs are wrapped around each other, my head is on your shoulder and your arm in circles around my waist. You gently brush the hair away from my face, placing it back behind my ear and planting a soft but firm kiss upon my warming lips. This has become my favourite place in the world; wrapped in your arms, with our bodies so close I can feel the rhythm of your heart and the proximity of us allows us to softly whisper daily plans, dreams and stories without worrying about ease dropping neighbours.  As we sit here, our bodies intertwined and our lives becoming one, it is starting to become difficult to remember a life without you or one in which you don't exist.

Perhaps that means its time to tell our story but whenever I try to write our story my words disappear. Everything I try to type doesn't seem to capture the beauty and purity of our love that I feel and experience on a daily basis. The way in which you have changed my life and touched me could never be expressed in a way that does you justice. Perhaps it was perfect timing or maybe I had finally grown into a woman who understands herself and love. But regardless of what it might have been, you have affected me in a way no other ever has. 

In my past, I have loved others and shared my life with others, but something was always missing and there was always that bit of doubt in my mind. Something within my soul always kept me questioning and evaluating the relationship and my partner because I believe deep down I knew. I knew that they weren't the one and that eventually I would leave in search for that missing piece. 
I remember once asking my Aunt "How do you know if someone is 'the one'?". 
My Aunt's response was "You just know". 
To be honest I always thought that was complete crap. How can someone just know? It didn't make sense to me........ but now I understand.
Because I just know.
I can't explain it but I feel it on every level.
I just know. 

It's like being with your best friend or the perfect compliment to yourself. Where everything makes sense and every movement, every conversation, every gesture flows with ease. That giving love and receiving love is no longer a task but something that simply happens effortlessly. You begin to understand yourself and your partner on such a level that you wonder if you've known them in a past life. Those feelings of having to compromise parts of yourself to make the relationship work don't exist here because the love is complete and doesn't require sacrifice. All dreams, all desires, all hopes can be fulfilled. The love is so complete that you feel fulfilled and know within your soul that nothing is lacking or ever will be lacking. You reveal yourself to another completely. All skeletons are brought out of the closet and cleaned off. And those deep dark secrets we keep from most of the world are revealed and shared without fear of rejection or judgement, because somewhere deep inside you it is known that they will love you regardless. 

For the first time in my life someone knows me completely. I have finally completely opened my life and soul up to another. More then I ever have to any other lover, friend, or family member. 
For the first time in my life I have shared every story, every mistake, every chapter, every heartache, every fear, every dream, every desire, every thought with another human being. As I allowed my past to be revealed and tell the stories of how life made me into who I am today, I found that the more I shared the more he loved me and I him. 

This story is from my perspective because I cannot speak for another but I know that I am the greatest love of his life and he is of mine. That I complete him and he completes me. That we have chosen each other and a path together rather than simply falling into love because it was convenient. My soul knows this is no ordinary love. 

How do I know? 
I just know. 
I just know, like I know the sky is blue.
I just know, like I know the sun sets in the West.
I just know, like I know that wind blows.
I just know, that this is no ordinary love.
I just know, that sometimes the heart simply knows.

Liam and I in Bulgaria October 2012


  1. Not sure but I think....


    Feels pretty good doesn't it?

    Just so you know,
    I love you Leah

  2. happy fr u :) Leahhh .. God bless both f u ... take care ...

  3. This is such a great post. Love your blog. Love your adventures. So happy for you!

  4. And my heart still knows my love. How grateful I am to share the highs and lows of life with you x
